
Startup Connect Plus

Founded in 2021, TheGreenShot is the data decision intelligence platform for the entertainment industry. Designed around a unique data hub, TheGreenShot connects climate accounting and reduction, financial planning, cost savings and workforce management across the complete production lifecycle.

By embedding TheGreenShot inside the company’s operations, CO2 analysis is done in real-time, every climate decision becomes a sound business and cost saving decision, each workforce member is empowered to act. This is the fastest way to operate - TheGreenShot pulls together data that was fragmented across productions, our algorithms ‘dive deep’  into data to generate the most precise, granular and insightful dashboards. In real-time.  

Created by MIT alumni’s and entertainment professionals, the solution and services have gained huge traction in less than 2 years – 3.3 M$ revenues across 140 clients in 2023.

With 10 awards in Europe and the US, TheGreenShot operates in the US, Canada and Europe with teams out of Brussels, Paris, Lyon and Vancouver. 2024 expansion in the US will extend our reach with teams in NYC, Los Angeles and Atlanta.