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Faculty Co-Director, FinTech@CSAIL, Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor, MIT Sloan School of Management, Director, MIT Laboratory for Financial Engineering

Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management and CSAIL Andrew Lo believes AI can help everyday consumers make important financial decisions by democratizing access to quality finance advice. His research aims to address the challenges of deploying AI in finance by, for example, answering questions around responsibility and engaging with financial advisors to make sure such tools are useful in the field.

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Professor, Princeton University

Princeton Professor Arvind Narayanan, author of "AI Snake Oil," sheds light on the stark contrast between the public perception and actual capabilities of AI. In this podcast, he explores the significant gap between the excitement surrounding AI and its current limitations. Find a full transcript of this podcast here.

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Associate Professor, MIT EECS

Associate Professor Stefanie Mueller, who leads the Human-Computer Interaction group at CSAIL, discusses her groundbreaking research using generative AI for 3D applications. Specifically she explains how generative AI can be combined with mechanical simulation to create stable and personalized 3D models. Find a full transcript of this podcast here.

Daniel Jackson
Professor, MIT EECS, Associate Director, MIT CSAIL

MIT Professor Daniel Jackson, associate director of CSAIL and the author of The Essence of Software, argues that if your design is flawed, so is your product. In this podcast, Prof. Jackson shares some cases where software design makes or breaks big companies and what can be done to improve software design in the future. Find the transcript here.

When is the right time to use AI in business?
Principal Research Scientist, MIT

This week on the CSAIL Alliances Podcast we’re joined by George Westerman, a Senior Lecturer at the MIT Sloan School of Management and Founder of the Global Opportunity Initiative. Westerman discusses the future of AI, the opportunities it presents, as well as some potential pitfalls. Find a full transcript here.